Brand Visuals: Websites & Logos
Every piece of your visual branding speaks for you — you want to be sure it’s saying exactly what you want and what it needs to, to attract the right people your way. I create logos that authentically represent you and your business so that you can establish and build a well-recognized brand and business.
It’s easy to recognize big brands because of their logos; Nike, Adidas, Mercedes, Apple and tons more are known almost exclusively through their visual branding, and mostly through their submark or key graphic/shape. They’ve become so successful that they no longer need the name of their business to be included on anything visual — just the shape being present makes it an easily identified brand.
YOU CAN CREATE THAT SAME KIND OF IMPACT. You absolutely can establish that type of brand identity and brand awareness by taking the time to create a portfolio of visual branding that is authentic to you.
Let’s talk about authenticity.
You are your business whether you’re the face of it, producing a product, offering online services or creating art. Your energy, lifestyle, beliefs, and values make up the threads of your entire business energy, and those things should be translated through all aspects of the visual representation of your brand. This begins with your logo. Does the logo express what the business is? Is it balanced in colors, shapes, and fonts? Do you feel excited when you see it? Can you visualize expansion through your visual branding, seeing it on billboards, in publications or on presentations? Does it carry BBE - Big Business Energy? I made that up just now, as I’m typing this out and laughing a little. But it’s necessary and true!
The way other perceive your branding should tell them:
who you are
what you are passionate about
what you do or what you offer
And they’re also going to feel something. They won’t necessarily have the words for it, but they will feel a YES or a NO based on how they receive your business through your branding. If it’s a yes, they’ll browse your content and see if you’re able to offer them what they’re looking for. If it’s a no, they will move on, most likely because they’re not aligned with you or your business. THIS IS A GOOD THING. Having an authentic brand, that carries your true energy helps you to attract your exact right audience and repel the ones who don’t vibe with you.
You know the cliche saying that your vibe attracts your tribe?
YOUR VISUAL BRANDING attracts your ideal customers. The ones you LOVE to work with, who LOVE you and what you do, and a work flow with so much ease because of this alignment.
Brand Visuals include:
Logo (primary, recognizable)
Submark (icon(ic), and unforgettable)
Alternative Logo (creative layout of your primary)
Marketing materials like brochures, PDF’s and emails
Product Labels
Merchandise Design
and more
Brand Visuals by Astra Brand Design